A downloadable game

Made as part of the Nordic Alliance For Sustainable Gaming 2024 Un-Jam.


The end committee is a hidden role game for five people where  the green allies fight against the oligarchs. The greens wins if five green policies pass and the oligarchs win if five of their policies pass. If the world ends no one wins...besides the oligarch with a bunker of course.


Place the board on the table, shuffle the policy cards and place them in a pile. Put two markers on the zero space on the unrest track and one on three on the climate track. Give each player a  role card secretly (which they should look at, but not show anyone). Also give each player a marker of some kind they can use to vote yes or no with.

Give a random player the chairman marker.

All players look away/down. The oligarchs can then look up and see each other.


Each round starts with chairman nominating a president. The same player cannot be president twice in a row. After a president has been nominated all players will then vote simultaneously on weather to allow them to be president. If a majority votes yes, they become president.

The chairman will then secretly pick up three policy cards, discard three of them and give the other two to the president. The president will pick one of them to play, discarding the other. Discarded policy cards cannot be seen by any player, but the players can discuss (and lie) about the cards and options they had.

Played policies go to the board, on the fitting track. The temperature is adjusted by what the policy says and if the policy has any unrest symbols (looks like a U) that track goes up (see below). 

After a policy has been played or directly if the majority of players voted no, the temperature track increases one step and the next player becomes chairman. They can then nominate a president and the game continues.


If the temperature reaches 10, society collapses and oligarch with a bunker wins. Try to prevent that from happening.


If unrest reaches 5, the citizens revolt. There are two types of unrest and they increase when policies of the connected type are played.

If an revolt happens, the policy with the most effect on that track is removed and its effects reversed. This happens before any special events, preventing them from triggering.

Special Events;

When the third and forth policies on the oligarch track is placed, special events happen for the current president.

At the third space the president may look at one players role card. They may say what it says but they cannot show the card it self to the other players.

At the fourth space the president can do an investigation to try to pinpoint the oligarchs. The president can try to guess which both the oligarchs are. If they succeed, the oligarchs are thrown in jail and the greens wins. If the president fails, they are instead thrown in jail and out for the rest of the game. The president can decline to attempt this.

Made by;

Edvin Skogsholm Sanne

Karolina Jensen

Markus Elvig




endcommitteeboard.jpg 420 kB
Back of role card.pdf 176 kB
Front role card.pdf 300 kB
PolicyCards 1.6 MB

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